Why Is My Heat Pump Running Constantly in Richmond, VA?

Your heat pump may not be keeping you warm in the winter here in Richmond, VA, even though it’s running constantly. Assuming that it doesn’t have to do with freezing weather, your heat pump problem can have several explanations. Heat pumps constantly run when they experience trouble with airflow, leak refrigerant, or are undersized.

Obstructions to Airflow

If you get yearly maintenance for your heat pump, you won’t face this problem as often, but systems do build up a lot of dirt and grime in both the air handler and compressor. Such a buildup on the evaporator and condenser coils will hinder the transfer of heat from the outdoors to the indoors, which means a longer cycle.

Most of the time, homeowners unwittingly hinder airflow by neglecting the air filter. This component, located in the return vent and responsible for trapping debris that would otherwise enter the air handler, needs replacing approximately every three months.

Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is the chemical that makes the transfer of heat possible. The refrigerant line that connects the air handler and compressor may corrode, though, and leak. The result will be a lack of warm air, and the system will run constantly without reaching your set point.

An Undersized System

While fixing a refrigerant leak is a major job, it’s not as bad as dealing with an undersized system. Your only option here would be a complete replacement. The fact is that every heat pump has a blowing capacity that fits the size of the home it should accommodate, and an undersized one won’t have the power to heat your home, no matter how well you take care of it.

If you live in Richmond, then contact Americool Heating & Cooling, Inc. today to have a technician repair your short-cycling heat pump. We have a team of NATE-certified technicians who can work with any brand or model.

Image provided by iStock

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