Warmer Temperatures Are Here: Is Your Heat Pump Ready?

As the weather heats up in Richmond, VA, you need to prepare your heat pump for the warmer months ahead. With the average summer temperature reaching 88 degrees Fahrenheit, a well-functioning heating and cooling system is crucial for maintaining a comfortable home environment. Here are some useful tips and insights on prepping your heat pump for the summer.

Inspect and Clean Your Heat Pump

Regular inspection and cleaning of your heat pump can help prevent potential issues and prolong its lifespan. Check for debris around the outdoor unit and clean the coils for optimal airflow and efficiency. Anything else should be handled during your seasonal maintenance visit.

Clean or Change Air Filters

Dirty air filters can reduce your heat pump’s efficiency and cause unnecessary wear and tear. Change or clean your filters every three months, depending on usage and filter type, to maintain healthy indoor air quality and efficient system performance. Remember to also keep up with changing or replacing your home’s air filter vents every 30 days for even cleaner air.

Check Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can cause your heating and cooling system to work harder than necessary and consume more energy. A seasoned HVAC service technician will check and maintain proper refrigerant levels to promote optimal performance and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs or replacements.

Test Thermostat Settings

Make sure your thermostat’s set to the correct mode and temperature for the summer. Test the system by adjusting the temperature settings and ensuring your heat pump responds accordingly. If you notice any issues, reach out to an experienced service technician for assistance.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

It’s always a good idea to schedule professional maintenance before the summer season begins. A qualified service technician can thoroughly inspect your heat pump, identify potential issues and perform necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure optimal performance. For assistance with heat pump maintenance or repairs, contact Americool Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Image provided by iStock

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