3 Reasons to Not Buy an HVAC System at a Retail Store in Richmond, VA

If you need a new HVAC system in Richmond, VA, you may feel the urge to get a new one as quickly as possible at a big-box retailer. As understandable as this may be, acting on this impulse is generally not a good idea. Here are three reasons why relying on hardware stores for a new HVAC system is unwise.

1. Staff With Insufficient Knowledge

Sales representatives at large retail stores are responsible for selling a diverse selection of products. Therefore, while they may know some things about HVAC systems and how they work, they probably won’t have the level of understanding that true specialists would have. Hence, they probably won’t be able to help you choose the system that best matches your situation and needs.

2. Inadequate Warranties

Every HVAC system should come with a warranty, though the quality of these warranties can vary greatly. If you buy an HVAC system from a big-box retailer, it’s unlikely that the warranty associated with the system will be anything close to that of an HVAC contractor.

For example, the retailer’s warranty may last only five years instead of 10, or it may only cover the cost of parts but not of labor for repairs. Even if the warranty is adequate, the sales staff at a hardware store may not inform you of all its features and conditions because they may not know about them. If the staff doesn’t tell you about the need to register the warranty, this can create a great deal of trouble.

3. Higher Prices

Large retailers offer excellent convenience by displaying so many products in one place. However, they typically buy the HVAC systems they sell from manufacturers and then mark up their prices considerably. You may get a lower price if you buy from a reputable HVAC company.

Homeowners in Richmond, VA, are much better off dealing with us than with a large commercial retailer. Call Americool Heating & Cooling, Inc. and schedule an HVAC consulting visit so we can advise you on the perfect new system.

Image provided by iStock

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